Family Feud Turns Deadly as Man Takes Extreme Measures to Kill Brother

A shocking tragedy unfolded in Ogden, Utah, on April 27th when a family feud ended with a fatal confrontation. Jeffrey Roberts, a 66-year-old from Long Beach, California, drove on an 11-hour journey to make an appearance at his estranged brother’s residence.

Surveillance footage relayed the event when Jeffrey approached the residence, rang the doorbell at 7:10 pm, and asked his brother about their mother, who supposedly now lived in Missouri. In a rapid sequence of events, Jeffrey brandished a gun and fired multiple shots at his brother, Scott Roberts, which resulted in his death. In addition, Jeffrey shot his sister-in-law, who survived.

Jeffrey had also come equipped with a 9mm handgun, a 12-gauge shotgun, 23 loaded magazines, and 150 shotgun shells. Jeffrey set the residence ablaze with road flares, and as police arrived, he opened fire at them. A firefight ensued, and eventually, police fatally shot Jeffrey. Judi Roberts is currently recovering in the hospital, and the medical fees are being collected via GoFundMe, with more than $40,000 raised to date.

A neighbor of Jeffrey and Scott’s shared a recollection with KCBS of two very distinct siblings. She called Scott “the kind of person that would take the shirt off his back for somebody else,” yet painted a contrasting image of Jeffrey as “aggressive, violent, arrogant, and entitled.” She concluded with a sorrowful statement: “It breaks my heart to hear that Scott got killed. Honestly, Jeffrey, not so much.”

This heartbreaking story serves as a cautionary tale. Family feuds can become desperate, even deadly operations, and it is not feared to seek outside help in order to keep conflicts under control. The narrative of Jeffrey and Scott Roberts stands as a grim reminder of the hazardous reality that comes with unchecked feuds.