Father Leaves Bizarre Suicide Note After Murdering His Whole Family

Michael Haight, the 42-year-old father from Utah, tragically ended the lives of his five children, his wife, and his mother-in-law before suffering a self-inflicted gunshot wound in January of 2023.

His suicide note accused his wife, Tausha, of “manipulation and control,” and Haight himself was being investigated for child abuse prior to the murders.

As reported the note stated, “This is nonsense and I can’t handle it for one more day. We will not be a burden on society. I kept asking for help and you wouldn’t listen. I would rather rot in hell than to put up with another day of this manipulation and control over me.”

On December 19th, caseworkers visited the Haight home in Enoch to investigate a claim involving their seven-year-old son, Ammon—allegedly, Haight had violently pushed him to the ground. It was said Tausha had planned to file for divorce from Haight when the tragedy occurred.

Documents reported by the Deseret News revealed further details, such as how Haight took firearms from home and had searched online for “gunshot in a house” prior to the murders.

The terrible truth is that this case is a heartbreaking reminder of the unexpected and severe results of domestic violence. While physical aggression is a notable sign, domestic violence can also manifest in emotional and psychological formats, which can have shocking results.