Michael Brasel, a beloved husband, father, and hockey coach, was tragically killed in a senseless act of violence in front of his home on Saturday. Five days later, the St. Paul Police arrested a 17-year-old male suspected of second-degree murder. St. Paul Police Chief Axel Henry confirmed that if the suspect is certified to stand trial as an adult, he will be identified, and his photograph will be released.
Hilary Brasel, Michael’s wife, shared in a heartbreaking post on Sunday that they had shared 23 wonderful years together. She remembered that in his last moments, Michael had done everything to protect her and her boys, even with his own life. With her sons on the phone with the 911 dispatcher in desperate moments, Hilary had to try to resuscitate her husband.
Andrew McNattin, a friend of Michael’s, spoke of the suspect’s arrest and reflected on the impact it would have on the family. “It’s hard to think about somebody sitting there for 60 or 70 years as a 17-year-old,” but also about what it means for the family of Micheal Brazel, a “terrific human being.”
A GoFundMe campaign has been started on Hilary’s behalf, and it has raised an incredible amount of $199,000 since it was set up. The community’s determination to see justice for Michael has been immense and moving, something Hilary acknowledged in her post that shared a local news story about the tribute of hockey sticks St. Paul neighbors had placed out the front of their home.
The death of Michael Brasel has deeply impacted and shattered his family, friends, and community. In his last act, he was selflessly protecting his wife’s car and, in doing so, showed the world what true courage and nobility looks like. His noble and heroic act will be remembered forever.