Texas Woman Survives Freak Attack by Snake and Hawk

In a bizarre incident in Silsbee, Texas, a woman was attacked by both a snake and a hawk while mowing her lawn. Peggy Jones was going about her usual chores in late July when a snake unexpectedly fell from the sky and latched onto her arm. As she struggled to free herself from the snake, a hawk swooped down and began to attack her.

Jones described the experience as terrifying and traumatic. “I think I just went into survival mode,” she said. The snake wrapped itself around her arm, striking her face repeatedly. Meanwhile, the hawk was trying to retrieve the snake, leading to a full-on battle between Jones, the snake, and the bird.

After several attempts, the hawk finally managed to grab the snake and fly away. Jones was left covered in blood and rushed to the house. Her husband quickly took her to the emergency room where doctors confirmed that the snake had not bitten her. However, they did find puncture wounds and severe bruising on her arm.

Despite the passage of time, Jones still has open wounds from the incident. She is currently recovering and has expressed gratitude for the support she has received from the community since sharing her story. “I want to thank everyone for all the prayers. It’s been an overwhelming experience. I am just thankful I am alive,” she said.

Jones views the incident as a blessing in disguise, thankful that she survived the ordeal. The incident occurred on July 25 in Silsbee, Texas, near the Louisiana border. Jones was not standing under any trees when the snake fell, leading her to believe it was dropped by a passing bird. This theory was confirmed when the hawk joined the fray.

The hawk struggled to remove the snake from Jones, stabbing her with its talons in the process. Eventually, the snake was pulled from her arm, leaving her startled husband to drive her to the hospital. “There were puncture wounds, cuts, abrasions, scratches, and severe bruising,” she said.

Jones described the attack as severely traumatic, adding that she thought she was going to die and has had trouble sleeping since it happened. Despite living in rural Texas and being familiar with wildlife encounters, this incident was unlike anything she had ever experienced.