Carriacou, Grenada – An elderly British couple was tragically discovered dead on L’Esterre Paradise Beach on the island of Carriacou. According to the Royal Grenada Police Force, Rosaline Foster, 77, was found near her husband, David John Foster, 76, who had suffered a heart attack. Authorities believe that Rosaline drowned while attempting to save her husband’s life.
Cpl. Ardell Lewis of the Royal Grenada Police Force stated, “The basic facts seem to suggest the man may have suffered a heart attack and the lady may have gone to his assistance, and she probably would have drowned.” Although the husband was pronounced dead at the scene, Rosaline’s death was confirmed later at the Princess Royal Hospital.
The Foster couple, who were retired, was vacationing on the island alongside other family members. Carriacou was recently voted as the best Caribbean beach in 2022. The nearby tragedy spurred memories of another unsettling incident on the same island, where an American couple was kidnapped and allegedly murdered by three escaped prisoners who had seized their sailboat.
The bodies of Ralph Hendry and Kathy Brandel, who were last seen near their docked catamaran on February 18, remain missing. This unfortunate event emphasizes the dangers that can befall tourists in foreign lands.
Autopsies will be conducted to determine the official causes of the Foster couple’s deaths. Authorities hope that these findings will provide some closure to the grieving family.