A tragic incident unfolded at St. Helena High School in Greensburg, Louisiana, on Tuesday, resulting in the death of one student and leaving another in critical condition. The shooting occurred around 3:30 p.m. local time during school dismissal, according to a representative from the St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s Department. A third student was also injured in the incident.
The critically injured student was airlifted to a nearby hospital, with their current condition remaining undisclosed. The three victims were all students at the school, the representative confirmed. The Sheriff’s deputies, crime lab, and city police were promptly on the scene, as per official reports.
Authorities have apprehended a suspect in connection with the shooting. The suspect, confirmed to be a 14-year-old student, is currently in custody. The details surrounding the charges against the suspect are yet to be released.
The St. Helena Parish School District addressed the incident on their Facebook page, describing it as a “tragic incident” that occurred on the campus of St. Helena College and Career Academy. The statement also mentioned that the scene was still active and that they were working closely with the authorities.
In the wake of the tragedy, the school district announced the cancellation of school until Friday. They also stated that grief counselors would be available for students upon their return. The district has yet to provide further comments on the incident.
The motive behind the shooting remains unclear, and authorities are continuing their investigation. This incident underscores the ongoing issue of school shootings in the United States, sparking renewed discussions about school safety and gun control.