Iran Behind Massive Election Hack – Feds Make Indictment

( – In the wake of the 2020 presidential election, Democrats created a narrative to suggest the election wasn’t compromised. A year later, that story continues to run into trouble. On Thursday, November 18, federal prosecutors in New York unsealed an indictment that contradicted the clean election narrative. Allegedly, two Iranian hackers accessed a state computer election system and stole voter registration data. They successfully used the information to target Republican members of Congress, Trump …

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Exposed: Biden’s Failed Leadership Amid Countless Emergencies

( – Joe Biden is only 120 days into his presidency and he’s facing a number of emergencies. New ones seem to pop up almost overnight. The problems are compounding as the Biden administration does little to face reality and accept that the country is knee-deep in several crisis situations. Republicans are now speaking out about the complete lack of leadership during this critical time. McCarthy’s Communication Team Calls Biden Out House Minority Leader Kevin …

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