(TheDailyHorn.com) – On July 1, 1973, the United States officially ended the draft. That meant the military was completely made up of a volunteer force. So, why do Americans still have to sign up for Selective Service?
What Is Selective Service?
Although the US no longer has a draft, there is still a system in place to call on American citizens and qualifying immigrants if the government needs to act quickly to reinstate the draft to protect the country. That system is called “Selective Service.”
Who Is Required to Sign Up?
Nearly every man in the US between the ages of 18 and 25 is supposed to register for Selective Service. Here is a more comprehensive breakdown of who must register:
- Male US citizens must register within 30 days of turning 18-years-old
- Immigrants, both legal and illegal, must sign up within 30 days of entering the US if they’re between the ages of 18 through 25
- Residents of American territories
- Disabled men
- Military men must register if they aren’t serving continuously from ages 18 through 25. The same goes for National Guard members and reservists
- Conscientious objectors
- Transgender people who were born male
Some of the men in these groups may later be disqualified from actually joining the military, but they still have to register for the service.
Penalties for Failing to Register
If a male fails to register for the draft, it could result in severe consequences down the road. Both the federal government and some states have penalties for those who don’t put their name on the list.
Here are some of the consequences:
- You may be denied the opportunity to find a job within the federal government.
- Student aid might be denied, including student loans, Pell Grants, and other forms of help.
- An immigrant might have their citizenship denied.
- You won’t be able to participate in the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) programs.
To register or verify registration, go to the Selective Service System website here.
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